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Urology's Advocate on Capitol Hill

UROPAC Members Meet with U.S. Representatives

While Congress was home this August for the summer district work period, urologists representing UROPAC took the opportunity to meet with several federal legislators in a variety of settings.

On August 22, Dr. Kevin J. Barlog, AACU’s Northeastern Section Chair, attended a picnic fundraiser for Rep. Brian Higgins (NY-26) who sits on the House Ways & Means Committee, a committee with significant jurisdiction over health care policy and the revenue-related aspects of Medicare.

Led by Dr. Donald Griffith, a group of five urologists practicing at the Veterans Affairs Medical Center in Houston, met with Rep. Kevin Brady (TX-8), the lead Republican on the House Ways & Means Committee. Dr. Griffith and his colleagues briefed the congressman on Coordinated Community Care at the VA, the need for “pre-clinic” standardized education and preparation, and new technologies that could reduce or even prevent Catheter Associated Urinary Tract Infections (CAUTI).

Finally, UROPAC members had the opportunity to meet one-on-one with two federal legislators who have backgrounds in medicine. Dr. David Duchene discussed issues affecting the practice of urology with Rep. Roger Marshall (KS-1), a former obstetrician, and Dr. Jack M. Amie will meet with Rep. Buddy Carter (GA-1), the only pharmacist serving in Congress and the current co-chair of the Community Pharmacy Caucus at the end of the month.

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