Leading Urology on Capitol Hill
Leadership Strategy
A Nonpartisan PAC for Urology
UROPAC is a nonpartisan federal political action committee dedicated to electing a Congress that understands the issues faced by our profession, and who will work to facilitate a better environment for our practices and our patients. UROPAC's leadership and giving is guided by our policy priorities.
We contribute to candidates that support issues important to the community of urologists and our patients. These include: medical liability reform, U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) transparency and accountability, Independent Payment Advisory Board (IPAB) repeal, Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act (MACRA) implementation, and other issues affecting the profession.
UROPAC targets legislators that serve in committees that control the movement of legislation important to urology, as well as those who serve in leadership positions within their caucus.
While a deep partisan schism remains in Washington D.C., developing relationships with congresspeople from both parties helps us identify where legislators can reach across the aisle to enact commmon sense reforms for urologists and their patients.
To see who UROPAC has supported in this election cycle, please see our donation map located below.
Your Profession -- Your Voice
UROPAC represents all urologists in the United States, from the small, independent clinician to large group practices and those practicing in hospitals and academic centers. In order to ensure that your voice is heard, UROPAC has made setting up in-district meetings between local urologists and their representatives a priority. To that end, UROPAC is proud to facilitate member requests of up to $1000 for a legislator of your choice. We encourage you to visit our website, and fill out the
meeting request form to make your voice heard.
Disbursement Map
Below you can find a map of UROPAC's giving activity for this election cycle. Simply click your state to see who UROPAC has contributed to, and how much we've contributed. Don't see any disbursement activity in your state? Change this by visiting the meeting request form linked above to initiate the process of UROPAC staff connecting with your Federal representatives.