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Urology's Advocate on Capitol Hill

UROPAC Hosts Fundraiser for Fellow Urologist

AACU and UROPAC Leadership hosted a fundraiser for fellow urologist Congressman Neal Dunn, MD in Chicago in early April. Dr. Dunn was elected to be the US Representative for Florida’s 2nd district in 2017. He serves on the Subcommittee on Health of the House Committee on Veterans' Affairs and is a part of the influential Doctor's Caucus.

Prior to entering Congress, Dr. Dunn was a surgeon in Panama City for 25 years and was the founding president of the Advanced Urology Institute, a 45-physician practice with over 400 employees. He also founded the Bay Regional Cancer Center and pursued a special interest in advanced Prostate Cancer. Dr. Dunn previously sat on the Governor's Prostate Cancer Advisory Council and the Florida Blue Physician Advisory Board.

During the fundraiser, Dr. Dunn gave an update on healthcare legislation in Washington and also spoke at length about addressing the rising cost of medication and administrative burdens. AACU and UROPAC leaders were grateful for the opportunity to discuss pressing healthcare issues one-on-one with Dr. Dunn during the event.

UROPAC is dedicated to bringing urologists and legislators together to address important issues facing physicians and their patients. UROPAC will continue to advocate on behalf of the urologic community and ensure that legislators make decisions that are friendly to medicine.

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To view photos from the event, visit the AACU website.

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