Welcome to UROPAC!

Urology's Advocate on Capitol Hill

AACU Statement on Siege at the U.S. Capitol

The American Association of Clinical Urologists condemns the violence that occurred at the U.S. Capitol on January 6, which was an assault on the United States Constitution, the democratic process, and on our values as a nation. We must preserve these institutions, and as physicians, work together to stem the divisive rhetoric and heal our nation. 

For the time being, UROPAC has suspended all political contributions as we evaluate our disbursement strategy to ensure it is aligned with our mission to protect the interests and values of the urologic community. We welcome input from our members as we review our current guidelines for political contributions. If you have thoughts or concerns you wish to share with our Board, please email [email protected].

Please know that our advocacy efforts on behalf of urologists and their patients continue while we deliberate about the best path going forward for our political action through donations to legislators.

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