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Urology's Advocate on Capitol Hill

UROPAC Hosts Reception for Rep. Bobby Rush

On September 5, UROPAC hosted a fundraiser reception in Chicago for Representative Bobby Rush (IL-1). Rep. Rush serves on the House Energy & Commerce’s Subcommittee on Health and has been a champion on issues of importance to urologists for more than two and a half decades. 

Rush is an original sponsor of H.R. 3534, the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) Transparency & Accountability Act of 2019, which would require the Task Force to solicit input from physician specialists before they release recommendations regarding preventive care services, including prostate cancer screenings. 

During the fundraiser, Congressman Rush gave an update on healthcare legislation in Washington and also spoke about the importance of having disease specialists contribute to USPSTF recommendations so that the ratings health insurance plans use to dictate what preventive sevices will be covered are based on the best evidence available.

UROPAC is dedicated to strengthening the relationship between urologists and key federal legislators to help ensure Congress understands the issues of importance to the urologic community.

Rep Bobby Rush, D-IL, UROPAC Fundraiser Reception (Sept 2019).jpg

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