Welcome to UROPAC!

Urology's Advocate on Capitol Hill

UROPAC Overwhelming Successful in Midterm Election

Coming out of the 2018 midterm election, UROPAC is proud to report overwhelming success. Not only was UROPAC's 2018 success rate 86%, but successful UROPAC-supported candidates won their races by an average of 31%. This huge win for urology could not have been accomplished alone. Each and every donation helped elect pro-physician candidates to Congress. Thank you to all of our 2018 contributors.

However, UROPAC needs your continued support in order to keep fighting for urology's best interests. As the new election cycle begins, UROPAC needs to start off strong and can only do that with your help. We must show lawmakers the strength of the urologic community early on. Please donate to UROPAC in 2019 so we can make urology's voice heard.


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