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Urology's Advocate on Capitol Hill

UROPAC Physicians Visit Capitol Hill 

A group of 11 urologists, who were in Washington, D.C. for the AACU’s Annual Meeting, stayed for an additional day to meet with key lawmakers about health care policies currently being debated in Congress that could impact the practice of urology. 

The physicians, representing UROPAC, attended a total of 18 meetings with federal legislators from both parties, from both the Senate and House, and from each of the congressional committees with jurisdiction over health care policy. Four of the meetings were with lawmakers who were formerly physicians or have backgrounds in medicine.

In addition to educating policymakers about issues specific to urology, such as Medicare coverage for prostate cancer screening, the physicians advocated for policies on a range of topics that included Stark law reform, reducing the burden of prior authorization, transparency in USPSTF recommendations, and rate-setting provisions in surprise medical billing legislation. 

As these and other health care issues are debated on Capitol Hill over the coming weeks, AACU will stay engaged with lawmakers to ensure urologist concerns are considered.
Participating UROPAC Physicians:
Robert Bass, MD
Aaron Dahman, MD
Brian Duty, MD
Lisa Finkelstein, MD
Jeffrey Glaser, MD
Jonathan Henderson, MD
Jason Jameson, MD
Kevin Koo, MD
Kevin Lee, MD
William Reha, MD
Tom Stewart, MD 

Legislator Meetings:
Rep. Ami Bera, MD (CA-7)
Rep. Tony Cardenas (CA-29)
Rep. Kathy Castor (FL-14)
Rep. Tom Cole (OK-4)
Rep. Mark Green, MD (TN-7)
Sen. Maggie Hassan (NH)
Rep. George Holding (NC-2)
Rep. Steven Horsford (NV-4)
Rep. John Joyce, MD (PA-13)
Rep. Doris Matsui (CA-6)
Sen. Jack Reed (RI)
Rep. Phil Roe, MD (TN-1)
Rep. Raul Ruiz (CA-36)
Sen. Ben Sasse (NE)
Rep. Bradley Schneider (IL-10)
Rep. Terri Sewell (AL-7)
Sen. Debbie Stabenow (MI)
Rep. Jeff Van Drew (NJ-2)
2019.10.15 - Sen Stabenow, D-MI (second from left) with Drs Jameson Finkelstein Henderson.jpg
  Sen. Debbie Stabenow, D-MI (second from left), with Drs. Jason Jameson, Lisa Finkelstein, and Jonathan Henderson

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