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Urology's Advocate on Capitol Hill

​​UROPAC Hosts Meeting for Sen. Maggie Hassan

On May 20, UROPAC hosted a virtual fundraiser, in coordination with the broader physician advocacy community, for U.S. Senator Maggie Hassan (D-NH). The event, which generated about $30,000 in contributions from 17 medical specialty societies, provided an opportunity for AACU to interact directly with the powerful senator.

Sen. Hassan, who is up for reelection in 2022, serves on both the HELP Health Subcommittee and Senate Finance Health Subcommittee – the two most important committees in the Senate for health care legislation. She also introduced legislation in the Senate – the Safe Step Act (S. 464) – that would reform step therapy protocols​ – one of AACU's top legislative priorities.

Representing AACU at the meeting was Health Policy Committee member Aaron Potretzke, M.D. and Federal Affairs Manager Yehuda Sugarman. Topics addressed during the meeting included step therapy/"fail first" mandates, the extension of current telehealth waivers, prior authorization reform, GME expansion, and prostate cancer screening legislation, among other things. 

UROPAC has been fortunate to build a strong relationship with Sen. Hassan during her tenure in Congress and looks forward to working with her office to advance legislation supported by the Urology community.

Sen. Hassan meeting_5.20.21.JPG

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